Motivation 101

Motivation To Start Working Out

Working out… getting fit… losing weight… There’s a reason why these are some of the most common goals that people set: we want to feel, and look, our very best. But if you’re new to the world of workouts, just taking the very first step into the gym can feel intimidating. Here are some simple but effective strategies to inspire you to start working out, so you can meet your fitness goals.

February 7, 2024
6 min

10 tips to help you start working out 

Are you ready to begin your fitness journey? Here are some ideas to motivate you and get you moving. 

1. Define your “why”

Knowing why you want to achieve something is the first step to actually achieving it. 

So, why are you kicking off your fitness journey? 

Here are some common reasons, to get you thinking:

  • You want to establish a healthier lifestyle. 
  • You want to manage your weight. 
  • You want to strengthen your muscles. 
  • You want to overcome symptoms of an illness or medical condition. 
  • You want to stay mobile as you age. 
  • You want to reduce stress. 

Whatever your personal reason, whenever you feel discouraged, frustrated, and tempted to quit, remember your “why.”

2. Do something you love

No one gets excited to do something they dislike. Finding a sport or activity you love is a great way to feel excited about working out. 

If running on the treadmill feels like torture, chances are you’ll avoid it for as long as you can and find excuses to skip your workouts. 

On the other hand, if you love to dance, you’ll be looking forward to your evening Zumba class all day.

So if you’re just getting back into working out, skip the trendy formats or popular classes and focus on those physical activities that you truly enjoy doing. 

3. Start off small

When you first start working out, your body is going to need some time to adjust to your new physical routine. If you push yourself too far, too soon, you run the risk of burnout, exhaustion, or even injury—all of which can derail even the best of intentions. 

Whether you’re new to the fitness world or getting back to it after a break, it’s better to start off with small, manageable workouts.

Ease your way back to fitness by controlling the frequency, duration, and intensity of your workouts. 

  • Give your body time off in between workouts. 
  • Cap your initial workouts at 30 minutes; increase this when you’re ready. 
  • Increase intensity (cardio) or weights (strength training) gradually. 

Your body will thank you for it! 

4. Schedule your workouts

One of the biggest obstacles you may find when you start working out is finding time for fitness. 

Here’s the Golden Rule to remember: when you can’t find the time, make the time. Set up appointments for yourself in your calendar. Turn down conflicting invitations. This is your date with your future self. 

One thing to keep in mind when you’re scheduling your workouts: stay true to yourself. Know your life and when you’re most likely to be productive and motivated. 

If you hit the snooze alarm regularly, setting your alarm early to work out before heading to work will fill you with dread, not excitement. Try hitting the gym after work, instead, when you’re filled with energy. 

5. Find a fitness buddy

Everything's better with a friend, and that includes fitness! 

Here are some easy ways to include your friends in your workouts. 

  • Trade happy hour for a hike. 
  • Go to a yoga class before your weekend brunch. 
  • Sign up for a fun class together: salsa dancing, 80’s night at the spin studio, etc. 
  • Share personal training sessions
  • Instead of catching up over coffee, catch up on a bike ride or a walk. 

If your closest friends aren’t on board with physical activity, it may be time to expand your circle. Group fitness classes are a great way to make new friends who share your passion for fitness. 

6. Use social media wisely 

Social media can be as inspirational as you make it. 

As you ease yourself back into workouts, follow positive, motivational accounts that make you want to get up and work out every day. 

Gyms, fitness companies (such as Zumba or Les Mills), and fitness experts share everything from at-home routines to workout tips to success stories. 

Or, find motivational accounts that aren’t necessarily connected to fitness, but that still inspire you to be the best version of yourself.

You can also turn your own social media accounts into sources of inspiration for others. 

Share your journey. Show your results. Be proud of the energy you’re putting into your workouts, and give your followers the opportunity to celebrate your fitness wins with you.

7. Track your results

Perhaps one of the most motivational things you can do for yourself when you first start working out is to track your results. 

First, think of your goals. Is it a specific weight? Measurements? Running a mile under a certain time? Doing a specific number of push-ups? 

Whatever it is, track your progress (in a journal or on your phone) as you work toward your goal. Watch yourself getting closer and closer to your goal. Refuse to let that number backslide. 

Seeing how far you’ve come can push you to go even further. 

8. Set achievable goals

Speaking of goals…

Having big dreams can be inspiring. However, it can also be daunting. 

Avoid the overwhelm with smaller, more manageable goals that allow you to work your way up to your bigger ones. 

For example, running a marathon might be one of your “bucket list” fitness dreams. But if you’re a newbie to running, going from 0 miles to 26.2 miles is a huge leap.

Instead, start with running a few 5ks, then a half marathon, before you begin training for a full marathon. 

These smaller, more achievable goals will give you just the “victory mindset” you need to accomplish the bigger goals that are waiting for you.

9. Set yourself up for success

What items or equipment would make your workouts better?

If you’re going to start a new running routine, for example, you might want to visit a running store and get fitted for running shoes properly suited to your gait and foot shape. 

If you’re focused on strength training, a pair of padded weight lifting gloves will protect your palms from calluses. 

Doing a little bit of everything? New fitness clothes, an upbeat playlist, a plush yoga mat… 

Investing in fitness is an investment in yourself. So while we wouldn’t recommend going overspending, we do encourage you to make sure you have everything you “need to succeed” in your gym routine. 

10. Find your inspiration

What would you attempt, if you were fit enough to do it? How can being fitter, stronger, 

Maybe it’s cycling through the French countryside or a hiking trip to the Grand Canyon. Maybe it’s as adventurous as climbing to the top of a Hawaiian volcano, or as simple and gratifying as joining your friends in a fund-raising 5k. 

When you picture the life you can lead, you can find the inspiration you need to commit to working out. 

Final thoughts

Working out can improve your mental, physical, and emotional health.

Follow these tips, and you’ll quickly be inspired to not just start working out, but to make it a part of your lifestyle. 

And for powerful, inspiring workout motivation throughout your day, download the Motivation app. With reminders and a widget on your homescreen, you’ll constantly feel motivated to stay on track with your workouts—or in any other area of your life.

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