Motivation 101

How to Find Motivation: 10 Questions to Ask Yourself Today

It can happen to anyone. You set a big goal. You’re excited, you’re working hard, you’re filled with energy and fire. Then suddenly: you’re too busy, it’s too late, it’s too much work, it’s taking too long... What happened? You may not have given up on your goal. In fact, it may still be your most cherished dream. You’ve simply and temporarily lost one of the most important elements of your success…. Your motivation. So how do you get back on track? It’s time to re-find your motivation!! Not sure where to start this time? We’ve got you. If you’re wondering how to find motivation, check out these thought-provoking questions that will turn you into a motivation master.

January 5, 2024
9 min

How to Find Motivation

Here are 10 thought-provoking questions to boost your motivation. 

1. What is my end goal? 

It’s so much easier to find motivation when you know exactly what you’re trying to achieve. 

If you’re looking for how to find motivation, chances are you want that motivation for a specific reason. You already have a goal, dream, or aspiration. 

But how well-defined is your goal? 

Take your career, for example. It’s easy to get distracted by conversations with co-workers or derailed by easy side tasks. But when you have a goal that you’re working towards, you’re less likely 

For example, knowing that you want to increase your sales by 10% will push you to reach out to possible new clients. 

And dreaming of running your first 5k will get you to the gym more than simply feeling that you “should” work out. 

The less vague your goal, the more likely you are to find the motivation to chase it. 

2. Why am I striving for this goal? 

Once you’ve defined your goal, it’s time for some self-reflection. 

Why do you want to achieve this goal? How will it change your life for the better? 

Let’s go back to our previous example, wanting to increase sales by 10%. This might have you fired up for a few weeks, but then you may find your motivation lagging. 

How do you find the motivation to get back on track? 

Dive into what this goal means to you: 

  • Increasing sales will lead to a promotion and/or raise. 
  • Increasing sales will bump up your year-end bonus. 
  • Increasing sales will result in an invitation to the exclusive “high earners” company retreat. 

When you’re feeling unmotivated, explore the reason why you set your goal in the first place. 

3. How are my passions aligned with my goals?

When was the last time you jumped out of bed in the morning, excited to chase after your goals? 

In an ideal world, that’s what motivation feels like. 

But we don’t live in an ideal world, so how do you inspire that same feeling?

Set goals that are based on, and aligned with, your passions. 

Let’s suppose your goal is to work out three times a week. Yes, you can probably find some motivation to go to the gym, at least occasionally. 

But how would it feel if, instead of dragging yourself to the treadmill yet again, you signed up for those dance lessons you love? Would you feel excited, happy, and ready to go work out?

When you feel passionate about what you want to achieve, you don’t have to find motivation; motivation will find you. 

4. What specific actions can I take today to help me reach my goal? 

Big goals require big investments—of both time and energy. 

And it can feel overwhelming to see a mountain of effort ahead of you. 

But you don’t have to do it all today, or even this week. Because at the end of the day, a little progress is better than none.  

So instead of worrying about all the work that you have ahead of you, break down your steps. Focus on what you can do right now, that will get you even just a little bit closer to your goal. 

Remember, small steps will get you there just as surely as big steps will. 

5. Where can I find time this week to work towards my goal?

Does your busy schedule leave you feeling overwhelmed and unmotivated? At the end of a busy day, do you find yourself zoning out with Netflix and takeout meals? 

In our hectic everyday lives, sometimes the biggest obstacle to finding motivation is simply finding the time to be motivated. 

The solution might just be in your pocket—literally! 

Right now, open your phone calendar and find 2-3 time slots this very week that you can dedicate only to working towards your goals. Block them off, decline other invitations, and stick to it. 

6. Whose success is my inspiration? 

One of the simplest yet most effective ways to find motivation is to let yourself be inspired by those who have succeeded before you.

What steps did they take, and how can you take them, too? Which of their habits and routines can you follow? 

Whether it’s a mentor in your field, a personal acquaintance, or simply someone who is living your dream, knowing that your aspirations are achievable is an incredible motivator. 

Read about them, follow them on social media, or approach them in real life for guidance. Let their successes motivate you to work for your own success.

7. How am I holding myself accountable?

Still not sure how to find motivation? Accountability might be your solution! 

Holding yourself accountable also helps you see whether you’re making consistent, steady progress—regardless of how big or small. 

  • Crossing items off your to-do list
  • Enlisting the help of an accountability buddy
  • Tracking your progress in a bullet journal
  • Sharing your efforts on social media

There’s a reason that people hire trainers at the gym or work with mentors in their field. You’re more likely to succeed when you’re constantly monitoring your progress. 

8. Who is my support system? 

Believe it or not, simply declaring your goals publicly can help you find motivation. 

Sounds too good to be true? It isn’t! 

The truth is, we all need to feel supported, and at no time is that more evident than when we’re chasing goals. 

Imagine being a child at an extracurricular activity: sports, theater, dance, or any other event. How proud and happy would you feel when you look up and see the people you love the most in the audience, cheering you on? 

Being surrounded by people who are invested in you and your success is an incredible motivator. It sets the stage for conversations about your goals, the progress you’re making, and how far you’ve come. 

And just knowing that they’re waiting to see you succeed can be all the motivation you need. 

9. What habit or routine will create a motivating environment for me? 

Just as you can’t run a marathon after running once, success isn’t something you reach after making an effort once. 

Success and achieving goals come from the work you put in day in, day out. 

So how do you stay motivated on a daily basis? 

The answer is different for each person, but here are some general ideas that can help you. 

  • Wake up earlier each morning to give yourself an early start. 
  • Spend time each day reading motivational quotes or listening to motivating podcasts. 
  • Block off time in your schedule, and dedicate that time to working on your goal only. 
  • Set a timer on your phone. Refuse to allow any distractions during your productivity time.  
  • Break one big goal down into smaller, more easily achievable goals. Celebrate each of your “wins” as you accomplish them. 

10. What is the most exciting outcome I can envision? 

Your imagination is the most powerful motivating force you possess! 

Let’s go back to one of our previous examples, raising your sales numbers. That alone might not be enough to excite, inspire, and motivate you. 

But let’s take it further. 

  • You raise your sales numbers and increase your salary. 
  • Your increased salary makes it easier to build your savings account. 
  • You’ll be able to use part of your newfound savings to take a “bucket list” memory-building trip with your family. 

Wow! Now that’s motivation. 

Final thoughts

Motivation isn’t constant.

It’s natural for it to ebb and flow.

That’s why knowing how to find motivation and is so important and so personal. 

But remember, your reasons for being motivated may evolve over time. 

To stay consistently driven, encouraged, and supported, we encourage you to periodically revisit these questions and update your answers. 

You’ll feel motivated and inspired every time you do!

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