Motivational quotes

Quotes to Conquer Stress: Finding Calm Amidst the Storm

Check out some powerful quotes about tackling stress that'll guide you through tough times. Let these motivational quotes be your beacon of inspiration and strength. Dive into these quotes about managing stress.

March 12, 2024
4 min

Exploring Quotes about Stress

In today's fast-paced world, stress is a common companion for many. However, it's essential to remember that stress doesn't have to overpower you. This collection of empowering quotes about stress serves as a reminder that you have the strength to overcome challenging times. Let these powerful words guide you towards a calmer, more peaceful mindset when facing moments of stress.

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1. “If it won't matter in 5 years, don't spend more than 5 minutes getting angry about it.”

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2. “Learn to differentiate between real threats and unsubstantiated fears. Try not to be anxious about unlikely scenarios.”

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3. “Always focus on the front windshield and not the rearview mirror.”

Colin Powell

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4. “Eat a healthy diet. Research has shown that the nutrients in fruits and vegetables can help reduce anxiety.”

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5. “Ten years from now you'll laugh at whatever's stressing you out today. So why not laugh now?”

Tony Robbins

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6. “When struggling doesn't get you where you need to go, remember that you have the option to float.”

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7. “Every day brings a choice: to practice stress or to practice peace.”

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8. “Don't let anyone (including yourself) speak negatively about you.”

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9. “What are the best stress busters? Laughter, smiles, love, and focusing on your purpose.”

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10. “The meaning behind what we do is more important than what we actually do. Ask yourself why are you living the way you live?”

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11. “You can't force raging water to be calm. You have to leave it alone and let it return to its natural flow. Emotions are the same way.”


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12. “To suffer some anxiety, some depression, some disappointment, even some failure is normal.”

Boyd K. Packer

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13. “A person who thinks all the time has nothing to think about except thoughts. So he loses touch with reality and lives in a world of illusion.”

Alan Watts

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14. “Write yourself a love letter, telling yourself all your good qualities and encouraging you to let go of your anxiety. Re-read it whenever you need that boost. ”

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15. “Declutter. Having a calm, orderly space around you can also help your mind feel calm and orderly.”

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16. “Breath more. Worry less.”

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17. “Practice gratitude. When you start to feel anxious, make a mental note of all the good things happening in your life.”

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18. “It is normal to be nervous.”

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19. “You should never get nervous about anything. What today seems important tomorrow isn't so any more.”

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20. “If you have a breathing room, you have a sanctuary, a place where you can return to yourself and restore your sense of peace.”

Thich Nhat Hanh

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21. “Ride your waves. The waters will be calm again soon.”

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22. “Within you, there is a stillness and a sanctuary to which you can retreat at any time and be yourself.”

Hermann Hesse

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23. “Even when bad things happen you have to try to use those bad things in a positive manner and really just take the positive out of it.”

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24. “The greater the level of calmness of our mind, the greater our peace of mind, the greater our ability to enjoy a happy and joyful life.”

Dalai Lama

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25. “The best way to diffuse stress overload is to find something to laugh about, lighten up.”

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26. “Spend some time in the depths of your pain for a time but eventually let yourself be distracted to let your mind rest.”

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27. “Ask for support when you need it. Family and friends can be a huge help.”

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28. “Train your brain to dismiss anxious thoughts as soon as it recognizes them. The more you do this, the better you'll get at it.”

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29. “When life isn't feeling great, find something a little better to focus on.”

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30. “Get out of your own head with exercise.”

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31. “All this hurrying from place to place won't bring you any relief, for you're travelling in the company of your own emotions, followed by your troubles all the way.”


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32. “When you understand something, then it naturally calms you down.”

Naval Ravikant

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33. “Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it.”

Jane Wagner

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34. “Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know.”

Pema Chödrön

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35. “Listen to your body and take breaks when you need them. Stress is a message.”

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36. “When you stop fighting the current, you'll flow to where you're meant to be.”

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37. “Reward yourself whenever you're brave enough to face your anxiety. You deserve to be celebrated.”

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38. “Talk to your feelings. Make friends with them. Get comfortable. That's how you empower yourself to work through them.”

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39. “If you can't change it, let it go.”

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40. “Amidst all your annoyances, frustrations, or anger, remember to be kind.”

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41. “Slow down. Calm down. Don't worry. Don't hurry. Trust the process.”

Alexandra Stoddard

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42. “Maintain a positive attitude by surrounding yourself with positive people.”

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43. “Everything happens in the Universe's timing. Stop rushing and let yourself breathe.”

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44. “What is the cure for stress? Change your attitude and perspective.”

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45. “There's a reason that Triumph starts with Try. If today threw you off course, come back stronger tomorrow.”

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46. “Your strengths are not your only assets, give yourself permission to slow down and seek peace.”

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47. “Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.”

Christian D. Larson

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48. “If your brain is telling you to give up, just breathe. With one breath comes the next. Use that to get you to tomorrow.”

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49. “Learn more about anxiety. The better you understand your condition, the more comfortable you'll feel about it.”

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50. “Your timeline doesn't have to look like someone else's. That's why it's yours.”

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51. “To relax in the face of stress, even just for a moment, is a gift you're allowed to give yourself.”

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52. “Develop a routine. When you know what comes next in your day, you can reduce your anxiety.”

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53. “Is anxiety keeping you awake? Keep a journal by your bed to write down any thoughts or ideas, so you can get back to sleep without overthinking them.”

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