Motivational quotes

Quotes for Entrepreneurs: Achieve Your Business Dreams

Whether you're a seasoned business owner or just starting out, these motivational quotes for entrepreneurs will uplift and inspire you on your journey to greatness.

April 12, 2024
5 min

Success and Inspiration: Quotes for Entrepreneurs

Working for yourself. Being your own boss. Following your passion.

Entrepreneurship is the dream of many.

At the heart of every successful venture lies the entrepreneurial spirit, driven by vision, determination, and unwavering passion.

And our quotes for entrepreneurs represent this, encapsulating the essence of innovation, resilience, and the relentless pursuit of excellence that defines entrepreneurship.

Whether you're a seasoned business owner or embarking on your startup journey, let these powerful words inspire and guide you as you navigate the exhilarating world of entrepreneurship.

Powerfully inspiring quotes for entrepreneurs:

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1. “The road to growth isn't always an easy journey, but it's the most rewarding one to drive on.”

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2. “If you want to be a success, you need to stop loving sympathy.”

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3. “Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.”

Ralph Marston

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4. “Career satisfaction isn't just how much you make, it's also what you do. Find work that speaks to your soul.”

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5. “If you want to increase your success rate, double your failure rate.”

Thomas J. Watson

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6. “Never underestimate the power of consistency and desire.”

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7. “In the end, a vision without the ability to execute it is probably a hallucination.”

Steve Case

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8. “Stay dedicated. If you're busy working on your goals and dreams, you're not missing out on anything.”

Lewis Howes

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9. “Businesses are based on relationships and relationships are based on people.”

Marcus Lemonis

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10. “You don't have to be at the front of the stage in order to pull the strings.”

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11. “Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win.”

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12. “All the careful planning in the world can't replace hustle.”

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13. “There is never a bad time to start a business, unless you want to start a mediocre one.”

Gary Vaynerchuk

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14. “When you try to do something big it's hard to fail completely.”

Tim Ferriss

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15. “New day. New dreams. New successes.”

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16. “The quieter your hustle, the louder your success. Make sure it's absolutely deafening.”

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17. “The greatest expert was once an amateur who made a new beginning.”

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18. “Never give in and never give up.”

Hubert Humphrey

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19. “Some people work really hard to not exercise their free will.”

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20. “Listen to an inspiring podcast.”

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21. “The harder it gets, the closer you are to where you want to be.”

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22. “If you can't see the light at the end of the tunnel, illuminate and light it up yourself.”

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23. “Success is the result of actions. Stop wishing and start doing.”

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24. “The only way to break out of the crowd is to hustle your way through it.”

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25. “Don't tell people your plans. Show them your results.”

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26. “Success isn't easy, but neither is regret. Choose wisely.”

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27. “When your burning desire for success is greater than your deepest fear of failure, you can create anything in your life.”

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28. “You have to do stuff that average people don't understand because those are the only good things.”

Andy Warhol

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29. “Be spectacularly great at what you do. Wear your passion on your sleeve and hold your heart in the palm of your hand. And work hard. Really hard.”

Robin S. Sharma

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30. “Hard work might not seem exciting, but the results will be amazing.”

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31. “Try something outside your comfort zone, and let your new experience serve as inspiration.”

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32. “No one has to see your dreams as clearly as you do. Keep working towards your goals and the picture will become clear for anyone who wants to see.”

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33. “Don't fear failure. — Not failure, but low aim, is the crime. In great attempts it is glorious even to fail.”

Bruce Lee

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34. “The man who does things makes mistakes, but he doesn't make the biggest mistake of all-doing nothing.”

Benjamin Franklin

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35. “Find out what you really love to do, and then find a way to make a good living doing it.”

Napoleon Hill

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36. “Money won't create success, the freedom to make it will.”

Nelson Mandela

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37. “The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle.”

Steve Jobs

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38. “You have to be burning with an idea, or a problem, or a wrong that you want to right. If you're not passionate enough from the start, you'll never stick it out.”

Steve Jobs

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39. “Keep moving. Whether it's an inch or a mile, forward is progress.”

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40. “Dream big and you'll succeed even bigger.”

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41. “The world is run by insecure overachievers.”

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42. “If you want a unique outcome, you need a unique recipe for success.”

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43. “Take time to deliberate, but when the time for action has arrived, stop thinking and go in.”

Napoleon Bonaparte

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44. “If you don't want to work you have to work to earn enough money so that you won't have to work.”

Ogden Nash

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45. “Whenever you are asked if you can do a job, tell 'em, 'Certainly I can!' Then get busy and find out how to do it.”

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46. “Success does just happen. It happens to those who desire, plan and work for it.”

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47. “As long as you can envision something, you can do it.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger

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48. “Brainstorm. Write down every creative idea you have, even the most outrageous ones. You can filter through them later.”

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49. “Nothing is guaranteed if you do not practice discipline.”

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50. “It's okay to be scared, but you have to get out there, open up, love, make mistakes, learn, be stronger, and start all over again.”

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51. “Some people work. Others work toward.”

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52. “Your purpose, your biggest dream, and your passion should all be so big that they're a little bit scary, too.”

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53. “The best entrepreneurs are not risk maximizes, they take the risk out of risk-taking ”

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54. “Follow your passion. Listen to your heart. Trust the process. Be grateful. Life is magic and your dreams matter.”

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55. “Don't be fooled by success and money. Don't let anything come between you and your work.”

Louise Bourgeois

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56. “Plans are only good intentions unless they immediately degenerate into hard work.”

Peter Drucker

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57. “If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.”

Henry David Thoreau

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58. “If it's worth dreaming about, it's worth working for.”

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59. “Wishing you a week in which you're brave enough to chase your biggest dream.”

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60. “Life is too short to choose anything that doesn't light a fire inside your heart.”

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61. “Challenges are presented for you to learn.”

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62. “Success is when you find people copying you.”

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63. “With a clear idea of what you want in life, you need to actively pursue your dream. Half-hearted attempts will not work.”

Stephen Richards

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64. “Don't wait for the right opportunity, create it.”

George Bernard Shaw

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