Motivational quotes

Beautiful Quotes about Feeling Blessed

Discover the magic of blessings with these empowering quotes about feeling blessed. Embrace gratitude and find the beauty in the gifts the Universe has given you. Remember, challenges are blessings in disguise waiting to be uncovered.

April 17, 2024
5 min

Embrace Gratitude: Quotes about Feeling Blessed

Feeling blessed is more than just a state of mind; it's a powerful acknowledgment of the abundance in your life.

These quotes about feeling blessed remind you to appreciate the magic of
your blessings and the importance of gratitude.

Remember: challenges are not obstacles but opportunities in disguise, waiting for you to uncover the hidden blessings within.

Quotes about feeling blessed to fill you with gratitude:

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1. “If you can set the tone in your home or in your workspace, why not set it to being grateful for the blessings in life.”

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2. “Inhale all the blessings that arrive in your life, exhale all the moments that slowly leave the foundation for a balanced success is acceptance. Create your peace.  ”


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3. “What hurts you, blesses you. Darkness is your candle.”


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4. “When you start to give thanks, you'll find that your blessings far outweigh your troubles.”

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5. “The gift of wonderful friends is the nicest blessing of all. You are in my heart and prayers all year, and, especially during this special season.”

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6. “Start each day with a grateful heart.”

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7. “Give when nobody's watching.”

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8. “Cultivate good thoughts. Remain thankful. Attract blessings.”

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9. “There's only one place you need to be right now: here.”

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10. “You can never be too happy or too thankful.”

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11. “Never to suffer would never to have been blessed.”

Edgar Allan Poe

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12. “There is something to appreciate in every day and every situation.”

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13. “Thankfulness can open your eyes to the miracles that surround you each and every day.”

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14. “Help others whenever you can. Let the Universe use you as a blessing.”

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15. “Blessings appear and worries disappear when you turn to thankfulness.”

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16. “Your job isn't only to sit back and receive blessings. You're also responsible for manifesting them through words, actions, and thoughts.”

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17. “Blessings are the sweetest reward the Universe will send your way.”

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18. “Being blessed is a state of mind that you can choose.”

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19. “Not every family is loving and supportive. That's why the Universe sends amazing friends your way.”

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20. “When you can't find the blessings, it's your turn to be the blessing. ”

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21. “Every morning is a good morning when you open your eyes to the Universe's abundant blessings.”

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22. “Find the joys in your day, and you'll find the blessings that were sent to you.”

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23. “We all have our favorite people. The truly blessed ones get to call them Family.”

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24. “Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.”

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25. “More peace. More hope. More kindness. More love. More blessings.”

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26. “We should all recognize our blessings and be thankful for those.”

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27. “When you focus on being a blessing, you'll find yourself receiving them, too.”

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28. “Here today, may be gone tomorrow! Never take anyone or nothing for granted! Be sure to count your blessing daily because tomorrow isn't promised.”

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29. “Let seeing your blessings make you extra kind to those who can't see theirs.”

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30. “The more you use thankfulness, the more the Universe fills your world with blessings.”

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31. “Too blessed to feel stressed!”

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32. “Good or bad, happy or sad, life is a blessing for which we should be grateful.”

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33. “When you find the blessing in the stressing, even the greatest challenges lose their power over you.”

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34. “When you thank the Universe, it replies by sending you abundant blessings.”

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35. “The Universe goes out of its way to bless grateful hearts.”

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36. “Hardship is a blessing when it spurs effort and development; ease is a curse when it increases complacency and self-indulgence.”

Muso Kokushi

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37. “Nourish beginnings, let us nourish beginnings. Not all things are blest, but the seeds of all things are blest. The blessing is in the seed.”

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38. “No matter how your day goes, go to bed at night remembering the blessings in it.”

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39. “You are blessed, you are amazing, you are wonderful, you are special, you are unique, you are talented, you are gifted, and you are loved.”

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40. “Good luck and fortune are just other words for blessings. Whatever you choose to call them, though, remain thankful.”

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41. “If I was given the chance to think about a blessing, I would definitely think about you. Enjoy the holiday.”

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42. “Consider yourself blessed if you woke up this morning, life is full of opportunities.”

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43. “The magic of blessings is that they aren't static. They evolve, grow, and adapt as your life changes.”

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44. “You'll see the world differently when you view it through the lens of your blessings.”

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45. “You are not perfect, yet you are a work of art. Embrace imperfection.”

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46. “Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our thanksgiving. ”

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47. “Having friends that you can laugh with is luck. Having friends that you can trust with your deepest secrets is a blessing.”

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48. “Shine a light of thankfulness and illuminate your beautifully blessed life.”

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49. “The fastest way to double your blessings is to share them.”

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50. “Use your blessings to build your dreams.”

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51. “In order to attract more of the blessings that life has to offer, you must truly appreciate what you already have.”

Ralph Marston

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52. “The Universe never removes a blessing from your life unless it's to send you a bigger one.”

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53. “You have the power to change an average day into a blessed day just by being kind.”

Fill your heart with gratitude every day with quotes about feeling blessed from the Motivation App. Let gratitude and positivity guide you on your journey to discovering more blessings in your life. Download the Motivation App today at and start counting your blessings.

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